
Just this week, I got back from a big adventure on the other side of the world in New Zealand and Australia! Well, it was as much of an adventure as you can have when all of your flights and sleeping accommodations are pre-booked. But at any rate, it was an amazing time and I just had to share a few of my favorite photos from the trip here.

Notables from the trip:
-I’d studied abroad in Sydney, Australia in college, so going back to visit that city was pretty unbeatable.
-In NZ we got to swim with dolphins in the wild and it was the best experience EVER…EVER, EVER EVER!!! (Although I may have had a panic attack when they dropped us in the 50º water and I couldn’t breath and thought I might drown. Brrrr! So cold!!!)
-Driving on the left is not always easy. If you’re in another country and you see another car coming at you in your lane, you should pretty much just assume that you’re wrong. Also, they may very well give you a speeding ticket for going 8 miles over the speed limit in NZ. Yes, I learned this one the hard way. On the positive side, people there are much more courteous when driving, so perhaps those two things are linked. :-)
-In the mountainous parts of NZ it rains…A LOT! It’s probably safe to assume that the mountains will be entirely covered in clouds if you’ll only be in the area for 2 days. Sigh. This was my biggest disappointment. No photos of soaring mountain landscapes.
-They really know how to do breakfast in NZ. Here I never eat breakfast, but there I got so sad if we missed it! Do you see that breakfast photo??? Art!
-So many restaurants that we went to had organic and/or locally grown/raised food. Also, there was recycling absolutely everywhere in both countries…in hotels, airports, on the street. I loved that!
-This one is going to sound super duper corny, so just bare with me. There were so many times on the trip that I just closed my eyes and took a deep breath and tried to commit the moment to memory, because I just felt so lucky to be experiencing all that and to be there.

That is all. I could of course go on and on, but I’ll spare you. If you ever do want to hear more, just ask me in person and I’ll feel free to go on and on. :-)

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