Conshohocken Documentary Photography | Summer

I am quite behind in sharing our family photos. Documenting our family’s day-to-day activities is one of my very favorite things to do, but it also means that I end up with A LOT of photos. So I’m taking today and tomorrow to share all of my favorites from Summer (today) and Fall (tomorrow). A pretty appropriate way to celebrate Thanksgiving in my opinion. Lots to be thankful for in this post.

As usual, Summer went by too fast. In fact, looking through this post, it is hard for me to believe that these photos were taken months ago at this point! We went on a very exciting trip to Florida and Disney World, but the majority of the season was spent at home, relaxing and playing. Florence continues to be feisty, most especially with her fashion choices (see below) and a master puzzler. Julia continues to be the happiest, frowny faced baby around, who is a terrible sleeper almost all of the time.

It is worth noting that in Disney World, Florence got to meet almost every one of the Princesses. She probably considers this to be her biggest life achievement to date. Just look at her face in those photos! *Sigh*

Julia’s big life achievement of the Summer was trying solid foods, which I think you can tell from her face, was not initially quite as big of a hit as meeting the princesses was for Flo. She has since warmed to the notion. Also…thighs.



Conshohocken Fireworks, 2016




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My name is Katie and these are my people. You can get to know us and see my family's story in pictures here. I would love to hear your story too. 

